Post about "real estate market"

The Real Estate Industry Needs Green Education to Revitalize Current Markets

I am not practicing real estate right now but even I see that the real estate industry and all affiliate industries need market transformation and they need it fast. I can remember the days where life was good when I was a real estate agent. Working on 4 and 6 active contracts a month. Attending 4 to 6 home inspections, helping buyers with financing options, meeting mortgage lenders and coordinating everyday 4 and 6 transactions a month. Then getting paid. Then, in the middle of all of this I had 4 and 5 buyers to work with and 3 or 4 sellers who wanted market analysis on their homes. Who ever said agents in the residential and commercial markets don’t work hard?

Try a schedule like that. Now, try to picture all of this gone. Can you imagine a world where an agent shows a buyer 20 and 30 homes, and they don’t buy or even with great credit the lender turns them down?

Try picturing the fact that agents are doing this for 4-6 buyers? Can you imagine writing contracts and having back and forth communication on situations that you know will not work? Sellers painting on the agents recommendation just to have a home sit and sit. Builders who have land that is not developed? Paying taxes while you can’t pay your contractors and your support staff is dwindling. Agents advertising with their own money and houses just don’t sell? Did I mention you, as an agent, pay $2000 a year to stay in the business, for incidentals such as license renewals, ads, association and MLS dues and continuing education credits? How about the loan officer who keeps trying to refinance people and can’t get them a loan? Think of the home inspector who waits for the agents to write business. Everyone is hurting.

Is there any end in sight? Is there anything that can turn this around? YES!

Now I have another scenario for you. You are a buyer or seller of real estate. You want an agent who is green certified to help you understand green attributes in homes. You want to put your home on the market or buy and want your agent who is also your friend or relative to help you. They tell you they have a certification 6,000 have and been green certified by Green Real Estate Education. They like the fact that they only had to pay $99 to learn of what energy efficiency and green these issues have to do with the home you may want to buy or sell. In the current economy, they didn’t choose to spend hundreds or thousands (and neither do you) to learn about energy efficiency so you respect their budget conscience mindset. Can you already see the value in working with this agent? This Certified Real Estate Professional has been trained to assist you to understand how you can keep your utility bills low and have a healthier indoor air quality. That agent works with 2 or 3 ( GCHI’s ) Green Certified Home Inspectors. They have 2 Green Certified Mortgage Professionals (GCMP) who know of ways to finance energy efficient upgrades or special loans for newer energy efficient homes.

This agent likes working with buyers who also want a utility bill that is only $500-$1000 a year. Sparking interest already? You hear that green building ideals offer healthier indoor air quality. Interesting. You find a home that has an Energy Star, Environments for Living, Green Build or LEED green certification. Priced the same as other homes, that home has a low utility bill and energy efficient systems and utilizes solar and is in the perfect area too. What will you choose?

You call a Green Certified Real Estate Agent, a GCREP and say, what can I do to help my home sell in a year or so? They come by, recommend you replace all light bulbs with compact fluorescent or LED products that are much more efficient and paint with non toxic paint, add healthy and efficient insulation. Aren’t these suggestions a bit different than the normal advice. They also have that certification 6,000 have across the country.

In the years to come, you may not want to sell now but that Green Certified agent, inspector or mortgage professional has taken his or her level two certification to learn even more and offer advice that you get an energy audit, and from the results they suggest you upgrade the widows, insulation, the roof and you don’t want to get a second mortgage. They begin to tell you about the state offering a program with PACE concepts. What is PACE you ask? Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) programs are designed to allow property owners to install energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water efficiency projects and repay those costs as a line item on their property tax bill or utility bill (depending on state law and local options). Wow, half of my family members are in the construction industry and out of work, what a great way for them to have work. Are we thinking job creation? You didn’t even know about this. Thank you for green real estate education.

Stimulating the real estate industry is possible. I do not feel this has anything to do with democrats or republicans. A clean energy economy reduces our dependence on foreign oil. Energy efficiency concepts will create jobs. This is not new to other countries, and we need an economic stimulation NOW. So I will ask again, can green education transform the real estate industry? What do you think?